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writer of books, comics, and screenplays

Welcome! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably come across some of my words somewhere. Thank you for keeping an eye on them; I did go to an awful lot of trouble to get them in front of you. I want to encourage you to collect as many of them as you can, on as many topics as possible, for just as long as you’re enjoying them.

Like Pokémon, but without the creepy “trapped in tiny prison spheres” problem.

The menu at the top will aid your quest by guiding you to pages about me, my books, and where you and I could have a chat with our actual faces. The tiny squares just above that are secret shortcuts to MORE places to find still MORE of my words – and also an unreasonable number of photos of the dogs who control my life.

Finally, I leave you with an outrageously complimentary quote that will cause you to be disappointed in everything you read from me going forward. I just like to throw curveballs like that.


“Melissa F. Olson writes with razorblades made of moonlight, cutting through shadows to share with us the beating heart of her characters and story… If I could breathe words, they’d be hers.”

Charles de Lint, World Fantasy Award Winner